The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Skills training must improve on 4 fronts for S'pore workforce to stay competitive: Chan Chun Sing

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Mr Chan also spoke on rethinking adult education, noting that it is fundamentally flawed and inadequate to approach adult education with the idea that adults should go back to school, or by making minor adaptations to pre-employment training. Instead, the workplace must be used as a conduit for continual learning, he said. "It is also at the workplace, where learning is most authentic and relevant. The workplace setting allows for customised on-the-job learning that will directly benefit both the employee and the employer."

we cannot just rely on the annual pipeline of fresh graduates to meet our industry needs for emerging skills

Qn: To what extent is lifelong learning beneficial to your society?