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Monday, June 10, 2019

Stereotyping is not benign

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Stereotyping is a fixed, over-generalised belief about a particular group or class of people. It generalises people and ignores the differences among those of the same race, religion, profession or interest group, assuming all members of the group to have certain common characteristics.

fosters an "us against them" divide which militates against societal harmony.

suffer from stereotype threat, which occurs when a person fears doing something that would inadvertently confirm a negative stereotype about their group. This can happen even if the person does not believe in the stereotype. Stereotype threat is known to generate spotlight anxiety, which causes emotional distress and vigilant worry that may undermine relationships and the personal sense of well-being of those who are being stereotyped.
Media coverage of Islam-related issues often involves stereotyping of Muslims. For instance, they are commonly portrayed as being violent and using religious justification for waging jihad, or holy war, against the unbelieving infidels.
The media should resist negative reporting and, instead, portray Muslims in a positive light.
A good example is the "Obama effect". According to an American study, whenever former United States president Barack Obama drew press attention for positive, stereotype-defying reasons, stereotype threat effects were markedly reduced in black Americans' examination performance.
Note the idea how the media both contributes to, as well as is capable of eliminating stereotypes....Think of the Chinese proverb: "Untying the bell requires the same person who tied it there in the first place." In short, the solution to a problem lies within the problem itself, or the cause of it.
Qn: Can prejudice ever be eliminated? (Cam. 2011)