The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Monday, June 10, 2019

China blocks Washington Post, Guardian sites

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The extensive censorship software now blocks more than 10,000 Web domains and is powered by artificial intelligence algorithms that tirelessly sharpen its ability to sniff out VPNs.

The Tiananmen incident ("massacre"?) is a good example of suppression/censorship of news, as well as one in which the govt refuse to acknowledge the existence of (until last week) and apologise for.
This can be seen in tandem with Japan's refusal to acknowledge and apologise for the Nanking Massacre....In both cases, there appears to be an attempt to erase or blot out unsavoury asepcts of the cuntry's history, where it was either suppressed or not given full explanation of just vague ones, giving it a deliberately murky feel....The Singapore equivalent would be Operation Coldstore -- an incident in our history where the ruling PAP govt allegedly used of the label of communists as an excuse to detain the rising opposition using the controversial ISA (Internal Security Act)....

For qns on govt censorship, the truth value of history, govt apology, etc.... go think urself lah...