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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

More help to boost skills and switch jobs

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Note the govt scheme Career Support Programme:
You dont need too many details about the scheme, but it's useful to note that for mid-career workers who want to make career switches, the govt does not just subsidise ur skills training, but u will receive a salary even whilst u r undergoing ur training so that u are not too affected by the income loss during the period of training. See example HERE on career switch to pre-school sector via the Professional Conversion Programme.
Also, the govt's help here can swing both ways for the qn below: it can asist you to broaden and deepen ur skill sets so that u can continue to remain in the same job (and by extension, career) [u can also go into a new job with another company but in the same career field], or it can equip you with entirely new skill sets so that you can make the transition to a new career.

The scheme subsidises the wages when a Singaporean who is mature and retrenched or unemployed for the long term is hired for a professional, manager, executive or technician job.

The Budget has set aside $3.6 billion over the next three years for the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Education to help workers amid industry and technological disruptions.

Qn:  In an age of rapid technological advancement, is a single career for life realistic? (Cam. 2018)