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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Peace and stability top priority for the world: Heng Swee Keat

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Note the use of figurative language to convey an idea more clearly, as well as to persuade...:

Another panellist, Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, likened the rules-based world order to how a gardener tends to his garden while fending off a growing jungle.

He went on to cite a metaphor he heard at an earlier session: "Imagine if all of us were on a plane and the pilot and co-pilot are fighting.

Note also how the metaphor was value-added, something u can do when u want to use a closing BANG that makes reference back to an opening BANG...:

"I thought it was an interesting metaphor, but I hope that beyond the two pilots, we also have some autopilot that the rest of us can (rest our) hope on."