The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Banksy mural sells for more than $174,000

Click HERE

Banksy is now one of the more prominent artists mentioned in the media in recent months, making him an excellent example in ur essays if u r familiar with his works...He infmaously shredded his own painting in an auction last year after the painted has been successfully bidded by someone (see HERE). He was making a statement on consumerisma or something.

In the Season's Greetings mural of this article, the environmental message (pollution of factories) behind the artwork is obvious....
Like the pop-culture entry in a recent previous post, artworks are not just for entertainment; they often contain a message for the viewer, often an exhortation by the artist. If the aim is for the artwork to convey a message, esp if it's a message not confined to just the immediate surroundings, then there are grounds for the artwork to travel and not stay in its country of origin where it is produced.....
BUT sometimes, the piece of artwork exists in a kind of ecosystem with its surroundings, creating a 'dialogue' with them. In such instances, transplanting the artwork from its surroundings to a totally alien environment would have eroded much of its allure and its potential to 'tell the story' that the artist intended. For example, imagine having the Sphinx and the pyramids removed and transplanted into a modern museum, away from the wide expanse of the desert in which they are situated.....
BUT then again, like endangered animals kept in the zoo, if the country of origins are deemed incapable of preserving these valuable artworks from being destroyed (either by war, vandals, or harsh elements of the weather), then perhaps transplanting them to the care of other countries with the capacity to preserve them may not be such an inadmissible idea after all. To give an analogy, tigers belong to the wilderness, but if some external countries do not intervene to place these tigers in the safety of their own zoos, these tigers would have perished due to poaching and their shrinking jungle habitat, which the country of origin is incapable of tackling......

1. ‘Works of art which have been removed from their country of origin should be returned.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2018)
2. In your society, to what extent is it acceptable for public money to be used for the acquisition of works of art? (Cam. 2017)
3. ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)