The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Sunday, July 01, 2018

New South Wales may ban smartphones in schools

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Australia's most populous state will consider banning the use of smartphones in schools to try and prevent bullying, stalking and distractions during class time.

But critics of the ban say smartphones are an important part of today's schooling, and outlawing them will lead to "underground" and hidden use.

phones help to teach students about communication and data collection in ways that allow immediate feedback.
"If school students want to investigate, collect data, receive personalised and immediate feedback, record media, create, compose, or communicate with peers, in and beyond the classroom, then using mobile apps is ideal
"Also, if they want to learn at a place, time and pace of their choosing, for example on excursions, or working on projects with friends in more informal spaces like homeā€¦ then mobile devices are needed."

Qn:  Do electronic devices, such as tablets or smart phones, help or hinder students in their studies? (Cam. 2015)