The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil...Really?

This one is just something off the cuff...
consider the ongoing saga btw Trump and Kim Jong En....

By constantly speaking the 'truth' about his feelings (i.e. with no filter), Trump is stoking the fire btw the two nations and provoking a more defiant reaction from NKorea.
On the part of N Korea, something rather interesting seems to be happening....No one seems to know for sure what the NKorean leader is thinking, or what game he's playing....he's able to play this mind game with the world because he keeps people guessing as to whether he's telling the truth....In contrast, Trump comes across as pretty transparent.
In shorting, telling the truth in politics is akin to being a book, where matters may be read (I'm quoting Shakespeare here, btw...). And we all know that when it comes to playing chess, u don't want to let others know what your next move will be...Kim Jong En thus comes across as a masterful chess player..Just think about it -- small country isolated in one corner of the globe, and yet it is able to hold the entire world hostage in a sense....
In ancient strategies of war, most required setting traps and luring the enemies....all of which involve dishonesty, esp when it is a case of David up against the mighty Goliath.

But then again, Trump, in having no filters, and being blatantly 'honest' about his feelings in that sense, has also been termed 'unpredictable'. But Trump is 'unpredictable' coz he is not diplomatic. Diplomacy requires a distinction btw what you say publicly and what you actually feel inside, i,e. diplomacy is akin to dishonesty. Hence, in being painfully honest, Trump is being undiplomatic and hence unpredictable in the political sense.
The unpredictability of Kim Jong En's 'dishonesty' affords him some security; at the very least, it buys him valuable time. But what about Trump's unpredictability?

Moving away from politics to showbusiness.....what about celebrities? Should they come clean about their scandals? (drugs, molest, sexual orientation, plastic surgery, etc.) or should they retain a cloak/aura of mystery by not revealing everything to keep people guessing, hence increasing their interest value in the public's eye? OR are there any celebrities who are popular because they are known to be honest?

1) Honest is the best policy. What are your views?
2) 'People should always tell the truth.' Do you think there are any situations in which this might not be the best thing to do? Explain your views. (Cam. 'O' level 2107)