The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Indonesia's volcanoes serve as powerful tourist magnets

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I think there is another name for this kind of tourism... Instead of 'disaster tourism', it is also n=known as 'dark tourism' (I think)...where tourists visits places of tragedy like Chernobly, Fukushima, the Killing Fields -- locations which are the sites of great tragedies in history....the only difference for this article here is that tourists go to witness the unfolding of the tragedy -- NOT AFTER it has unfolded....
Recall the 2016 Cambridge A level GP AQ last year where a point in the compre passage says that tourism is vulnerable to natural disasters....The current impending volcanic eruption in Bali is driving loads of tourists away, but in a masochistic slant, we see how in this article that it is also attracting droves of tourists there!!!
It could perhaps be seen as a perverse twist on eco-tourism where the 'spelndour' or 'grandeur' of Mother Nature is used to attract tourists to a country....