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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kobe Steel scandal hurts Japan's reputation

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The Gist:
The industrial scandal engulfing Kobe Steel began to reverberate overseas as Japan's third-biggest steelmaker said its staff falsified data about the strength and durability of some aluminium and copper products used in planes, trains and potentially a space rocket.
For Qn below, think 'offensive' to WHO? MNC? Govt? public? consumers?
This incident is similar to corporate lying scandals like the Volkswagon 'diesel-gate' where they lied about their car's emission engine being environmentally-friendly to dupe consumers into buying their products...This is where the media has an important role to play as the 'watchdog' by exposing such clandestine workings to safeguard consumers' interest. So yes, even while it may be 'offensive' to MNCs (and hence affect their profit margins) and 'offensive' to country by tarnishing the brand/image of the country (for MNCs whose image is closely associated with the image of the country), there is still the case for the media to report such views in the interest of the public/consumers.
Qn: To what extent should news media present views which are considered offensive?
(MI Prelim 2017)