The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Physical campaigns in politics still matter in social media era

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This doesnt just apply to politicians, but any relationships where you want to earn the trust of the other party and foster greater bonding....There is a limit to how much technology can accomplish in of its limitations is that tech cannot give us the sense of touch, which is very crucial in giving assurance to the party you are trying to reach out to, be it an affirming hand-shake, an affectionate kiss, hug, pat on the shoulder or a friendly slap on the back......This is why politicians cannot be complacent behind their screens but have to walk the ground to interact and meet with the people, esp during weekends when people are not cooped up in their office but roaming the public areas...not forgetting the Meet-the-People sessions on certain weekday evenings....
Making reference to something I mentioned in class recently, the politican's workload is not visibly lightened just because technology is available....