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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Mainstream media can take on social media and stay ahead: Panel

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"For democracies to survive and to work, it's absolutely critical that you have a good source of reliable information... fair, impartial, objective,"
-Note how the proliferation of fake news led to the undesried outcomes for Brexit and the US Presidential Election...

Note the potential pair of rebuttals the past, people tend to turn to social media for the truth as they do not trust the traditional media, esp in countries where the govt controls the info on traditional media. But today, probably due to the proliferation of fake news online, people tend to distrust social media and are doing a U-turn to traditional media to verify the rumours circulating on social media...:
Malaysians typically dismiss traditional media outlets as propagandists. He attributed this to what he described as the Malaysian government's heavy media regulations, which he said have eroded trust in the mainstream media.
But the opposite was true in Thailand, said Mr Suthichai, and Thais have turned to traditional media to verify partisan views and stories making the rounds on social media . "Social media has empowered the existing traditional media in a big way. People come to us to get verification," he said.

Qn: In the digital age do newspapers still have a role in your society? (Cam. 2011)