The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Gene editing stirs debate on 'designer' babies

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Food for thought:
"Equally, the debate on how morally acceptable it is not to act when we have the technology to prevent these life-threatening diseases must also come into play."

A good argument for the Qn below focuses on the keyword 'research', as opposed to 'application'. Most people will argue that 'research' should still be allowed to proceed as the knowledge yielded can open up new frontiers and have enormous impact on future discoveries beneficial to mankind....What we need to control and limit is the application part, coz once applied to daily use in the market(meaning accessible to the masses), it will affect eh people directly, whereas research confined to the lab is in a controlled environment, meaning the drawbacks -- if any-- will be contained to the minimum....

Qn: Should research on genetic modification be allowed to continue even though there are many ethical concerns? (SRJC JC2 Mid Yr 2017)