Sport and religion separate for Malaysia's bodybuilders
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"As a Muslim, I consider bodybuilding as a sport. I do not think by exposing my skin (it) contradicts with my religion,"......According to the organisers, budding female bodybuilders are only able to compete outside of Malaysia, after the country stopped hosting competitions for women in the 1990s due to religious sensitivities over their revealing outfits.
"As a Muslim, I consider bodybuilding as a sport. I do not think by exposing my skin (it) contradicts with my religion,"......According to the organisers, budding female bodybuilders are only able to compete outside of Malaysia, after the country stopped hosting competitions for women in the 1990s due to religious sensitivities over their revealing outfits.
Note how religion (in this case, Islam) can be an impediment to certain sports by frowning upon the excessive exposure of the body and body-worship that certain sports demand....Worse affected are the women, who need to be all 'wrapped up'...think of the consequences for swimming, gymnasts and bodybuilding for women....
Relate this to 2015 'A' level compre on sports where there's comment on how women sports are hampered by cultural norms, e,g, requirement on attire.....
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