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Friday, June 02, 2017

Global fashion giants panic over Indian ban on cattle slaughter

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"Cows are considered sacred by Hindus and the new ban was justified on the grounds of avoiding animal cruelty."

A good example of how religion/tradition/culture can have an impact on economic growth....Think also of parallel examples like the banning of Christmas in Brunei, the requirement of women to be covered up (no sleeveless attire) when entering government buildings in Malaysia, the syariah law in some extremist Islamic countries.....These impact not just the raw materials needed by the industry, but also discourage foreign talent from working there, consequently hampering economic growth....

We also see an instance of the majority group in a society imposing its values on the minorities...But in Singapore, our mutli-cultural context demands that no one group/race should impose its values on the rest (e.g. muslims not being able to eat pork does not mean no pork for all Singaporeans).....the only exception appears to be the major orthodox religion against the LGBT group.

In Singapore, note how religion/tradition/culture usually has to give way to the economic imperative....The IRs were built despite the heavy oppostion from our Asian values that are averse to gambling.....the Biopolis was built despite certain major orthodox religion's opposition to the use of animals in experiments....

Qn: Religion has caused more harm than benefits. Do you agree?