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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Najib makes call to reject foreign intervention

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Note the various examples mentioned by Najib where foreign intervention has not improved the situation....Note the various reasons he gave against foreign intervention:

"We have seen the devastating results of foreign intervention in the Muslim world, often based on incomplete, wrong or partisan information. We must make clear that we reject it," he said.

Mr Najib said while leaders must work to resolve their problems and issues together, they must also insist on respect for their own sovereignty, laws and democratically elected governments. [as opposed to letting foreign institutions intervene in domestic politics and perhaps even installing a puppet government that cater to the interests of these foreign powers...]

Obviously, if you find Najib to be corrupt, then the argument will swing the other way.....having foreign intervention is useful for exerting pressure on the corrupt government to come clean and be accountable for its actions, much like having a UN watchdog making sure everything in the house is clean. Incidentally, ex-PM Dr Mahathir is trying to do exactly that -- getting the influence of foreign media and Swiss Banks? to unseat Najib by exerting pressure on him to come clean on his alleged corrupt involvement in the 1MDB scandal...

Qn: Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems? (Cam. 2008)