The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Archbishop speaks out against Madonna's concert

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2 possible things to take away with reference to the two qns below:
1) the archbishop is probably unintentionally giving free advertising to Madonna's concert and, causing more people to go to the concert...
2) Madonna's performance is considered 'arts'; even the archbishop described it so....The problem with this kind of 'arts' from 'foreign talent'  is that they may preach a kind of value that clashes or is at odds with the values desired by the society.....

"(In) multiracial, multi-religious Singapore, we cannot afford to be overly permissive in favour of artistic expression, at the expense of respect for one's religion, especially in these times of heightened religious sensitivities,"

"we should subscribe to authentic arts that lead us to God... and not support the 'pseudo arts' that promote sensuality, rebellion, disrespect, pornography... abusive freedom, individualism at the expense of the common good, vulgarity, lies and half-truths".

Qns (Cam. 2015)
1.     ‘There is no such thing as bad publicity.’ To what extent is this true?
2.     To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent?