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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Thai PM releases lyrics to new patriotic ballad

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Think here about the role and function of music, one of which is to instil patriotism and bind the pple of the country's not unlike the national day songs released by our country every year to celebrate national day. This year's one was 'Our Singapore' (watch and listen HERE).
But think again for the Thai eg. For a pple who view the junta govt with suspicion and cynicism, no matter how soul-stirring the lyrics are, it is questionable if the ppl will be sold on it...the red shirts will probably see it as propaganda, while the yellow shirts embrace it and sing lustily with their eyes closed...
Incidentally, do you actually pay attention to the lyrics and its meaning when you listen to a song? When Kit Chan sings in 'Home' about 'let the river flow', do you actually grasp the meaning of this (I assume you know it's a metaphor; you know, right?), or are you just carried away by the 'flow' of the tune, oblivious to the meaning of the lyrics? and when you try to decipher the meaning of our national anthem, can u really understand our 'Majulah Singapura'? Even if u eventually use google translate and grasp the eventual meaning of the song, do you really 'FEEL' it when you are singing or listening to it? Would there be a difference if it was written in English or Chinese instead (i.e. a language you understand)?
Relate to qns on the function of music  and the Cambridge 2012 AQ on music.

I haven't listened to this yet, but u can go HERE to download the BBC podcast entitled: How music can unite, influence and persuade.