The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Joy in Philippines, fury in Colombia after pageant gaffe

Click HERE for the article, or watch HERE for the clip.
If u still don't know of this big blunder at the Miss Universe pageant, you must have been hibernating in a cave! You don't know what you've been MISSing!
They didn't call it the MISS Universe pageant for nothing! The real Miss Universe was really MISSED out! ok, enuff of the corny stuff....
I tot this eg is good for qns on mistakes and forgiveness,,,,,For qns like this, students tend to go for BIG mistakes like US drop atomic bombs on Japan (if u can call dat a mistake) and Japan and German's atrocities during WWII....but realise dat eg of less gravity like this Miss Universe gaffe can come in too....Argue according to the mitigating factors (honesty, apologize) vs the harm done.....

Some pple on social media have also been saying that the whole thing is deliberate -- to chalk up ratings and buzz for a pageant that has seen falling ratings in recent years, and a change of hands this year. It used to be owned by Donald Trump's company (yes, that US presidential candidate who's been shooting off his mouth about Mexicans being rapists and building a 'wall' in the US against Mexicans and Muslims) but changed hands this year. So all that 'bad' publicity may not be so bad after all -- or is it?

1) Should mistakes ever be forgiven?
2) 'There is no such thing as bad publicity.' To what extent is this true? (Cam. 2105)