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Friday, July 10, 2015

S'poreans now more vocal: George Yeo

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note the beautiful imagery George Yeo used, useful or BANGing:
the analogy of the state as a banyan tree, calling for it to be pruned to let the sun through so that the undergrowth - or civic society - will not be stultified.

Indeed, with social media, there is now a democratising of power and conflation of hierarchies....
.....think Amos Yee, Roy Ngerng...all these show that Singaporeans are indeed more vocal about issues, but this seems more prevalent online than say in the real world of say Speaker's Corner.

Note though that the govt's use f the law does have a muzzling effect a well on our tendencies to air our views, whether online or offline....

To what extent are the youth in your society interested in politics?