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Monday, February 23, 2015

Freedom and Privacy

For those whom we had recently discussed the qns spelt out below, check out these related links

1) Australia to embark on major security review
-note how the govt is tightening immigration and welfare laws in the name of national security after the terrorist incident at the Sydney café recently
-recall the inverse relationship btw security and privacy/freedom. As Obama once said, you cannot have 100% security and still insist on 100% privacy.

2) Website duo in trouble over inflammatory posts

3) China's working women face rising gender bias
-Mao Zadeong's famous quote in celebration of women's place in society --  'women hold up half the sky'
-China's context for those who hail from there
-influence of tradition, law, media
-interesting concept of 'sticky floor' syndrome vis-a-vis the 'glass ceiling' effect
-a useful point that women themselves are to blame for their own predicament as they 'don't try hard enough'

4) Obama defends free speech at UN
This is the post I was telling some of u with regard to the freedom qn below where US chose not to ban the controversial film "The Innocence of the Muslims". The idea here is that censorship is futile and may actually perpetuate and entrench deep-seated prejudices arising from misunderstanding and incomplete info. Open debates may actually be the antidote.

Might be interesting to consider the liberal gun laws in the US where people are free to arm themselves. (relate to the gun law controversy over the school shootings in the US)

1)How far does society benefit from more freedom?
2)To what extent should the government intervene in the private affairs of its citizens?