The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Littering -- Singapore

1) an instance of how brooding on something seemingly trivial can extrapolate or expand into something serious and of greater gravity.....This is something you have to try to do for all articles you read, what I call GO FOR THE BIG PICTURE! Even the flapping of the wings of a butterfly in Texas can create a tornado in Tianjin on the other side of the world.....

2) closing BANG using a thought-provoking qn...ok maybe not so thought-provoking here lah....(conclusion-writing)

3) reasons why locals litter....

4) quotation by Aristotle

5) example on Singaporeans littering....useful for showing our ungracious and self-centred well as our xenophobic tendencies

6) opening BANG using a general comment before tapering to a specific (related) issue that the writer wants to focus on.... (intro-writing)