The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Have you used your eco-bags 11 times?

A useful eg of those purported green solutions that are not so green. Consider the parallels with nuclear energy and those green appliances with a lot of ticks that are energy-saving, and hence seen to be good for the envmt.

Note the magic number 11 times for the eco-bag to realise its envmt-saving quality.

Note also the stats that Singaporeans use about three billion plastic bags each year.

Useful Eg on FairPrice's Green Rewards Scheme. Compare it with the 'died-a-natural-death' BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag') campaign which penalises customers by making them PAY for the plastic bag instead of REWARD them with rebates for bringing their own bags.

Towards, the end of the article, a potential reason is given on why eco-bags may not pull off....the aunty-image!