A Last Note for those Sitting for ur 'A' levels next week....
hi all
1) Wishes:
it's that time of the year again when I bid another batch of students adieu,,,, Now that the finishing line is within sight and barely a few days away, here's wishing u ALL THE BEST and GOOD LUCK for Monday's papers. It's been a good 2-year run, and I hope that having a shadowy accompaniment alongside a certain segment of ur run, or for the whole stretch, has been of some help and comfort -- not juz for the shade it provides, but also for the light it reveals.....
2) Feedback:
To give me some idea of the impact of my shadow, I'll be eternally grateful if u can complete this simple and brief feedback here for me....You can of course choose to do it anytime u wish, but before I become relegated to a footnote, or become completely extinguished from your memory without even the trace of a shadow, it may be a good idea to do it NOW....treat it as taking a break from ur studies....If you're game on this Operation Shadow Feedback, click HERE. Feel free to embark on this operation even if u r not taking the 'A' levels this year.....And of course, it can be anonymous if u want it to be so; juz download the file, complete it, and then email back to me at aegeansea09@gmail.com
3) Next Year....
You'll probably forget it by then, but if you can still retrieve it from the faintest shadowy corner of your mind, do drop me an email (aegeansea09@gmail.com) when u receive ur GP grade next year....
4) Signing out....
And let me end off with this GP Prayer:
and this beautiful verse by William Wordsworth:
Small service is true service while it lasts,
humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one.
The daisy, by the shadow that
it casts,
Protects the lingering dew-drop from the sun.
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