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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Thailand's 'baby factory'

Recent scandal of an Australian couple who engaged the service of a surrogate mother in Thailand, only to abandon the baby after it was found that the baby has Down Syndrome. This caused an uproar and debate in Australia, even as the 'crime' occurred in another country.
Another case involved a Japanese who engaged many Thai surrogate women to produce more than ten children for him. There were concerns that he may be using the women to ‘manufacture’ the babies for sale. Yet another case involved a client who has records of being a paedophile.
The spotlight on commercial surrogacy in Thailand has led the govt there to introduce regulations recently to control the situation.
It was also reported that Singaporean gay/same-sex couples were among some of those who engaged their services.

1. Should people be allowed to have children by artificial means? (2012)
2. Discuss the claim that in the modern world people should care more about international than national issues. (2013)