The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Media's role in the delivery of Justice

Not exactly a useful example in itself, but I thought it throws up a good point for the qn below. Sometimes, the media interferes with justice as people exploit the media by using pressure from the media to influence or prejudice court proceedings. By reporting intensively and with a biased angle, the media can influence the decision of the jury, or pressure the judge to deliver a verdict that he might otherwise not have intended to in the first place. This can sometimes cause an innocent party to be implicated and sentenced wrongly.
But turn this the other way and you can argue that the media can actually help to pressure the court to deliver a fair verdict that is in line with justice, particularly so if the judges are corrupt or biased. A case in point is the rape case that took India by storm last year. It was apparently the constant coverage by the national and international media that pressured the Indian courts to mete out a heavy sentence (death penalty) on the rapists. Prior to that, many men are able to get away with rape in India as the women there have little rights, and rape is often blamed on the women rather than the men in a society where sexist norms are prevalent.
So there u go, you've got a rebuttal here!

Sample Qn:
To what extent is it possible to make the punishment fit the crime? (Cam. 2013)