The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Charity is a business -- literally!

Note how charity can have a financial incentive, i.e. it can be a business for making profits as there is a 'market' for charity. People are willing to 'pay' to get the chance to do charity.
Not mentioned here, but u want to know also that for the ultra rich, doing charity (in the form of donations) is a way to evade taxes!
If doing qns on tourism, remember to think of eco-tourism, medical tourism, and in this article, voluntourism.....this will widen the scope of your points and examples....see HERE.

Sample Qns:
1. Tourism has caused more harm than good. Do you agree?
2. Is there still a place for charity in today's world? (Cam. 2006)

article 1a

article 1b