The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Sunday, March 02, 2014

How Tradition can be said to interfere with social integration....

For those whom we discussed the tradition essays, there was one point on how tradition actually fosters a sense of rootedness to our country, thereby strengthening our national identity. In a nutshell, our traditions make us feel more Singaporean.
Be attuned to the interesting rebuttal that in multi-racial Singapore, a tenacious clinging to our traditional identity (i.e. our racial/cultural identity) can actually have the reverse effect in making us feel less Singaporean. A zealous adherence to our traditional identity in this sense will accentuate the differences among the different races, causing the nation to fragment instead....
For details, click HERE to read up, esp the first two articles on this link.