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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Militants flourish in Mid-East's post-US power vacuum

This article sheds light on how the problem in Middle-East is largely due to the fight for power and influence over the two factions within the SAME religion, i.e. the Sunnis group (represented by Saudi Arabia) and Shi'ite's group (represented by Iran) of Islam. (See HERE for an explanation of the differences between the two groups).
And all these havoc when only one religion is in the picture. Bring in Judaism(the religion of the Jews) and all hell breaks loose, as is the case in the Gulf Area, where Israel (where all the Jews are) is the common enemy of the Islamic world.
So whether it's different religions, or the same religion, problems can still occur. Ultimately, it may be that man is the real problem here, or man's interpretation or manipulation of religion for his own selfish gains for power. Religion is merely the pawn in a larger game masterminded by man.

Sample Qns:
1. Religion has caused more harm than good. Discuss.
2. Discuss the view that the world would be a better place without religion.