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Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado (US)

Things to ponder:
- draw parallels with legalization of controversial acts like abortion, prostitution and gambling, where the rationale given is that by allowing it on the surface, it's easier to monitor and control
-economic benefits of taxes want to know Singapore legalizes soccer betting (gambling), and the huge financial spinoffs for the govt.....just look at the long queues at Singapore Pools counters....
-prostitution is legal in Singapore, but soliciting for customers is not...
-how growing acceptance of marijuana (i.e. changing social norms) can lead to change in laws, i.e. laws should reflect changing social norms of society, which is why that which is legal in one country may be deemed illegal in another.....consider example of same-sex marriages in this light, and how possession of marijuana in Singapore is punishable by caning and death.
-instead of merely reflecting social norms, should laws dictate and define social norms instead?
-note conditions imposed even as these controversial acts (gambling, marijuana, alcohol, prostitution) may be legalized...condition is usually age-related, or monetary($100 levy for locals' admittance into casino)
-whether businesses should be ethically responsible instead of just profit-oriented

Sample Qns:
To what extent does legislation influence social behaviour?
Should profits be the sole objective when it comes to doing business?