The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Revision Core Notes

Here's some last min revision core notes for those who are studying these topics:
1) Sci and Ethics
2) Education
3) Environment
Check today's Straits Times headlines. Singapore is building a $500m stroage tank for LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). It'll be useful to note that as part of our efforts to reduce carbon footprints, we have switched from fuel oil to natural gas, which which is less polluting and emits less CO2. Statistically, 80% of our electricity is generated using piped natural gas from Malaysia and Indonesia. The other 20% comes from fuel oil and other sources such as waste and renewable energy.
4) Sport
  a) Summary of Pros and Cons of Sport
  b Notes on Sport (source: NYJC)
5) Media
  a) Characteristic Features of New Media
      be sure to weave these into ur arguments when doing qns on new media
  b) Reliability of Media
  c) Pro&Cons of Censorship1; Pros&Cons of Censorship2

Hope the above will be of some help to u....Note that the idea is not to overload urself with too much content at this point in time. Read selectively, and if anything does not clarify what u already know but confuses u instead, either ignore it or clarify with me.  'Over-eating' can lead to choking and indigestion, so 'eat' in moderation and selectively! Treat it as a buffet spread; go for what u want only....
If any queries, u can email to