The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Problems with Rebuttals

For those who are into rebuttals/evaluation in ur essays, do take note that it can be a problem sometimes. Many a times, students think they are rebutting when in effect, they are merely just giving another view point on the other side of the argument. The following handout may make things clear a bit:  click HERE to access. (source: SAJC)

When  rebutting/signalling:
1) take care to signal clearly with proper signposting so that u do not end up contradicting urself
2) to have some assurance that u r really rebutting, make it such that ur rebuttal is either the opposite or the solution to the point u r rebutting
Note that u can rebut(2 layers: OV-SV)) OR evaluate (3 layers: SV-OV-SV) by arguing:
1)long vs short term
2)past vs present
3)1st vs 3rd world
4)rich vs poor
5)male vs female
6)old vs new/young
7)traditional vs new media
8)public vs private
9)conservative vs liberal
10)day time vs night time

EG1: detractors may argue that green spaces are not popular with Singaporeans because of the hot weather...but u can argue night time this won't be a problem, hence can still be popular (note rebuttal in opposite sense)
EG2: admittedly, new media is useful for collecting feedback from public....but this is usually confined to young people or rich countries only, as old people no IT skills, and poor countries have undeveloped internet infrastructure....(hence not useful -- opposite)