The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Useful Statistic

According to an essay from the Broader Perspective, "£5 billion of energy is wasted annually by countries all around the world". Quote this to show how ordinary people like us have a role to play in saving Mother Earth as well. Green Technology may be able to produce energy with lesser adverse impact on Mother Nature, but whatever benefits gained will be futile and cancelled out if man continues to waste energy. In fact, green technology may actually make us complacent and cause us to waste even more energy if we think we are using a more efficient and greener form of electrical appliance for example those tick tick tick ones.....
Other than conserving energy to minimize wastage through lifestyle changes (i.e. recycling, or turn off aircon and lights when not in use), man can also play a role by:
1) cutting back on consumerist lifestyle, esp the wants vs the needs
2) switch to a non-meat diet, i.e. vegetarian (rearing of cattle contributes to carbon emission from the animals themselves when they fart and burp! not to mention the impact of indiscriminate grazing)