The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

 The articles here make for an interesting contrast on the relevance of patriotism. In China’s case, while patriotism can be mobilized to protect a country’s sovereignty with respect to its territorial rights, the article shows that it can be destructive in affecting bilateral ties, with enormous economic repercussions, i.e. foreign investments (which will affect employment) and tourism. The issue of education (or rather MISeducation) is also problematic here. A patriotic, propaganda-based education based on hatred that is slanted heavily on the side of the establishment does not result in the enlightenment of the masses, and is comparable to the indoctrination carried out by the terrorists.
As for Indonesia, note how patriotism is harnessed by the govt in a bid to stem the centrifugal forces within the country that threaten to tear the country apart. By getting the people to think of themselves first as an Indonesian, then as a Muslim, Chinese, blah blah blah (i.e. placing priority on national identity) it will help to create unity among the various factions (esp those which are religion-associated). This is exactly what the govt in Singapore is also trying to achieve, whether through sport, arts, etc.Getting people to be proud of their nation will cause them to place the national interests above all others, esp important for nations divided along religious, ethnic lines......
Sample Qn:
Should the love for one’s country still be encouraged?
‘The use of force is the only way to resolve territorial conflicts.’ Do you agree?
‘Education is the key to promoting peace.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?