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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Oversimplification with regard to media's influence

Here are two articles which are useful for questions related to using the media (specifically the new media) to influence our mindset regarding terrorism and political views. The central idea here is that it is an oversimplification to assume that we will automatically get influenced by what we are exposed to on the internet due to TWO reasons:
1) We have an inherent bias that will 'filter' whatever info we're exposed to. At the end of the day, we will only be influenced by what we want to be influenced by, i.e. things that do not contradict our bias. Eg: just because you're exposed to a lot of violent material online does not mean u will become violent -- if u r brought up in a peace-loving family, or if ur religious background if one that frowns upon violence. We're not brainless automatons that are susceptible to the 'monkey see, monkey do' phenomenon.
2)  It is even more difficult for online material to have an impact on us as unlike traditional media (where info comes to us and bombard us each time we switch on the TV and flip the papers), we have to go to the online material before it has a chance to affect us. We have to search for the site by keying in the URL or keywords into the search engine. Hence, those seeking to influence and convert others with their views online are unlikely to be very successful as the sites preach only to those who are already converted or wanting to be converted. Netizens tend to gravitate towards those sites that are in accordance with their bias, ignoring those which are not. They go online not so much to search for contrary views, but for views to reinforce or validate their bias. Eg if Lady Gaga set up a fan page online in the hope of converting' more fans, she is unlikely to be very successful, because those who are not interested in her are unlikely to 'actively' make their way to her website for the info there to have a chance to influence and convert them. Those who do so are likely to be people who are already interested in her (i.e.biased in favour of her), such that they bother to search for her fan page online for the info there to reinforce or seal their loyalty towards her.
Sample Qns:
1) Can terrorism ever be eradicated?
2) The media is solely to blame for the worldwide increase in violence.
3) To what extent are we manipulated by the media?