The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nuclear Stuff.....

For my Fri evening class, here's the article on how nuclear disaster is due to human error, a possible rebuttal to the oft-quoted point that nuclear technology is unsafe. Even for the Fukusima incident, it was reported that it need not have ended in such catastrophic proportions had the reactor been shut down in time. The protracted procrastinations (due to the big sums invested in building the reactor) resulted in unnecessary delays. By the time the decision was made to shut down the reactor, it was already too late. Hence it could be argued that it is the error in human judgement here that causes the nuclear catastrophe, not so much the technology itself that is questionable here.

Pertaining to the prohibitive cost of nuclear, recognise the possible rebuttal here -- only the start-up cost is high, i.e. the building of the plant and the reactor. Thereafter, the cost of generating electricity is actually very low. Note the useful stats given here in this second article: For nuclear energy, only 3 to 4% of the total production cost of electrivity is due to the cost of uranium, whereas for fossil fuels like coal, it is 50%!!! Given the fluctuating prices of oil and coal, in contrast to the relative price stability of uranium, the impact on cost of producing electricity is tremendous! Recognise the use of compare/contrast with inferior alternative as an elaboration technique here!

"Scientists have taken the world apart but have no idea what to do with the pieces.' Discuss. (HCI Prelim 2011)

Is the pursuit of nuclear technology desirable in today's world? (NJC Prelim 2009)