The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Desensitization to animals which we eat

This article is useful for qns on the ethical dilemma of animal rights and food issues. It gives quite a vivid picture of the gross treatment of the battery chicken. More interestingly are the comments in the excerpt, which I have highlighted for u. We are desensitised to the plight of animals which we derive food from because we do not see the slab of meat on the dining table as coming from an animal! This is especially so in Singapore where more than 80% of our food is imported. Our concept of food is slabs of meatthat we buy from supermarkets which magically appear on our table. There are no farms here where animals roam about freely in the meadows, so we tend not to associate or see the food we eat as coming from live animals. It is thus difficult to feel empathy for animals and hence fight for their rigths or change our diet. Those who have done the 2010 cambridge compre on food can incorporate this idea into their AQ.