The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yr 3 Dish of the Month

Task: Follow the instructions below to conjure your own unique, lip-smacking dish (SLURP!):

1) Give a short write-up on the following quesion:
Trace the gradual degeneration (i.e. worsening) of Jack's character from Chapter 1 to 4 and discuss the significance of his change at each stage.
2) Length is ≈ 400 words
3) Indicate the following on your script: name/class/date/whole question
4) Remember to give supporting evidence from the text in the form of events in the story or quotes
5) Some research is strongly recommended before you embark on your writing
6) DEADLINE: 15 FEB 2007 (THUR) BEFORE 5pm in my pigeonhole (you may want to refer to details on the GCM Assessment Guidelines handout regarding penalty for late submission)
7) Plagiarism and ‘ghost-written’ scripts will be rejected and penalized! Be forewarned!
8) Drop me a howler if you have any queries. See howler hyperlink at bottom left hand panel.