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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Singapore’s 2035 climate target: A commitment to act now despite waning global interest

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the Republic faces constraints in deploying renewable energy, owing to its small land area that makes the installation of large solar farms difficult. It is now laying the groundwork for importing clean energy from its neighbours, while deploying solar panels in unusual places – including water surfaces. 

Singapore’s geography has protected it from many of the harsher impacts ravaging other parts of the world, such as increasingly frequent and intense typhoons. As a result, many people here may not see the urgency of tackling the issue, thinking it is a problem for the future.

The use of carbon credits can be controversial because it allows an emitter to meet its climate targets not through any actual emission reductions, but by purchasing credits that offset its emissions.

Singapore, despite emitting only about 0.1 per cent of global emissions

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