Spending by S’pore families on private tuition rises to $1.8 billion in 2023
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the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) efforts to reduce academic pressure via recent reforms. These include the removal of mid-year examinations, a new PSLE scoring system, implementing full subject-based banding that lets students take subjects according to their strengths and, most recently, a revamp of the Gifted Education Programme.....MOE has been trying to de-emphasise the obsession with academic grades as the key criterion of success
a sense of competition is still prevalent ...has spilt over to the non-academic arena....referring to the Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme
the tuition industry has evolved in response to policy reforms...to also cater to students’ non-academic pursuits. One example is the emergence of sports academies to prepare students for DSA through sports co-curricular activities like basketball
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