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Sunday, July 14, 2024

China launches 3-year battle against the bulge as growing obesity crisis weighs heavy on future

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My weight gain is mainly caused by the large amount of oil and calories in my diet, combined with little to no exercise,

China’s obesity rates have soared in recent decades, with more than half the country’s 1.4 billion population overweight

There are 2.5 billion adults in the world – 43 per cent of the population – who are overweight, including 890 million adults living with obesity, said the World Health Organisation (WHO).

attributes China’s obesity crisis to changing lifestyles brought on by rapid urbanisation and economic growth, which have altered the Chinese diet significantly to one packed with sugar, fat and calories.... physical activity among the populace has fallen, compounded by habits such as smoking and drinking, and an increase in psychosocial stress. Environmental pollution and poor health literacy also play a part,

While China’s obesity crisis has led to calls for a sugar tax, which has been widely adopted by more than 100 countries, experts caution about the implications.... “China is vast, and different regions have different dietary habits, and legislation may impose restrictions on such diversity. Respecting and preserving these food cultures while guiding people through non-compulsory measures is,...a more appropriate approach.”