The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Samsui woman with cigarette: Much ado over a mural

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“In capturing the past, should we erase all the ‘bad’ qualities? Doing so does not help our young to grow up, be discerning and make their own choices wisely,

Art’s intention is much wider than to document actual history, or beautify a place. It is primarily intended to draw emotions, thoughts and conversations. Art is not a camera to preserve a real moment accurately.”

No less than Michelangelo’s Last Judgment was subject to criticism and eventually censorship in the 1500s.....issued a condemnation of nudity in religious art...the more controversial images painted over ...Further drapery was added in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Murals are art created for placement in the public domain, and it is inevitable that they will interact with daily life. Unlike art in museums, public art is harder to ignore.

Art can lose its power to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and initiate meaningful dialogue when censored. Yet, as public art, murals should also evoke enjoyment, curiosity and engagement, and it is not so clear that they must never be altered.

According to the dictionary, the word mural can be traced back to wall. Going back to this meaning, such art forms would hopefully tear down walls and not put them up.