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Friday, February 23, 2024

Budget 2024: Middle-income workers get their day in the sun

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one objective of his government is to reduce wage inequality by improving the pay across different professions. “There will always be differences in wages in any society. But too large a gap creates unhealthy levels of anxiety and stress… 

The measures in Budget 2024 are like the building blocks towards a new Singapore where technical jobs are better paid, where all workers take greater pride in their work and go for training regularly to keep up with technology and trends, and where Singaporeans regard those with hand and heart skills as highly as they do those with head skills.

the introduction of the Workfare Income Supplement in 2007, a wage support scheme for lower-income workers.

Another blockbuster move to help lower-wage workers was the introduction of the Progressive Wage Model and its expansion into the Progressive Wage Credit Scheme (PWCS) in Budget 2022. At its heart, this is a programme where tripartite partners work together, sector by sector, to lift wages of workers at the bottom by creating a skills ladder to boost productivity. ....In Budget 2024, DPM Wong raised the Government’s co-funding of the wage increases from a maximum of 30 per cent to 50 per cent for 2024. 

the Workfare and PWC schemes together have reduced income inequality by providing a boost to wages at the bottom.

1. Is inclusivity for all a mere utopian idea?
2. ‘Education has led to greater inequality.’ How far is this true of your society? (TMJC Prelim 2023)