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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Our Oppenheimer moment: The creation of AI weapons

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=Note the comparison of the atomic bomb to AI
=the movie "Oppenheimer" is useful as opening/closing BANG!

In one experiment that tested the capabilities of GPT-4, the language model was asked how one could stack a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail “onto each other in a stable manner”. Attempts at prodding more primitive versions of the model into describing a workable solution to the challenge had failed. GPT-4 excelled. The computer explained that one could “arrange the nine eggs in a three-by-three square on top of the book, leaving some space between them”, and then “place the laptop on top of the eggs”, with the bottle going on top of the laptop and the nail on top of the bottle cap, “with the pointy end facing up and the flat end facing down”. It was a stunning feat of “common sense”

We must not, however, shy away from building sharp tools for fear they may be turned against us.

Qn: The work of scientists should never be restricted. Discuss. (ACJC 2023 J2 MYE)