It’s not the end of work; it’s the end of boring work
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Software is supposed to make us faster, but often it makes us slower. We spend a half-hour clumsily filling out PDF files that we could have done with pencil and paper in a minute. We spend an hour bouncing e-mails back and forth to clarify a point that could have been nailed down in 30 seconds on the phone. The digital era has made a lot of everyday work more complicated and less efficient than it was 30 years ago.
The huge productivity gains of the industrial age did not happen just because someone invented a new technology; they happened because people also figured out how best to re-organise work around that technology. A steam engine, for example, would have been no use to textile manufacturing if textile workers had remained a scattered network of independent farmers, as opposed to a group of employees gathered under a single factory roof.
Qn: Do you agree that the promises of technology are exaggerated? (RI J2 Term 2 Timed Practice)
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