Mural at Serangoon MRT station depicts war hero Lim Bo Seng who lived in the area
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Note the function of the arts in decorating what would otherwise be a sterile and barren -- albeit functioning -- space,....and also as a vehicle for conveying history -- capturing a slice of history to the arts; offering a 'window' for commuters to take a peek into the history of the nation...
“We hope that the Serangoon mural will remind the residents of Serangoon’s rich history and culture, and help build a stronger sense of identity within the local community,”
the mural served as a reminder of “the difficult times that Singapore had gone through during the war years and the sacrifice of some brave men and women who put the country before themselves”.
Qn: ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)
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