The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

You are pointing your camera the wrong way

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“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera,”...Today we understand something essential about the grim existence of the poor nearly a hundred years ago in part because Lange, a successful portrait photographer, turned her lens away from wealth and used it to capture suffering. Even for the people of her time, her work was revelatory, urging downcast eyes to look up and out, to see – and truly register – the struggling.

The greatest danger in flipping the camera towards ourselves is not miscalculated risk or the loss of self-esteem. The greatest danger is what happens when we make ourselves the centre of the photograph, the centre of the world itself. 

it would help if we stopped looking at our own faces and turned instead to documenting the vanishing natural world in all its manifestations. Perhaps that change would change us in more essential ways, too. Would we finally learn to love the magnificent planet we were born to inhabit? Would we fight to save it?

The ordinary world would take our breath away if only we paused our podcasts, took our earbuds out, and listened to the wind in the pines. If only we looked up from our screens. We need only to point our cameras out and let them teach us to see.

Qn: ‘The arts are nothing more than a luxury.’ How far is this true of your society? (Cam. 2021)