The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Friday, November 04, 2022

‘Emergency’ COP27 climate meet must deliver on finance for poorer nations, envoy says

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COP27 is a chance to bridge divides around the common threat of climate change... The meeting is “an opportunity for those who otherwise are in an adversarial mode to come together around an issue that no one challenges is existential”. 

Rich nations have failed to fully live up to a promise made over a decade ago to provide US$100 billion (S$141 billion) in annual climate finance by 2020. The money is meant to help poorer nations fund green energy investments and projects to adapt to climate impacts.

The international community must act and support those worst affected and least responsible with funding and solutions

COP27 comes as major UN reports show the world is far off course on meeting the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5 deg C above pre-industrial levels.....Glasgow’s COP26 aimed to keep the 1.5 deg C goal alive. “Hopefully we can take it off life support and move it in a better direction as well

Qn: How far do you agree that developed nations should bear greater responsibility when it comes to the climate crisis?