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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Decision to stop coal financing was among toughest of my tenure at DBS: CEO Piyush Gupta

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Gives you an idea of how Greta Thunberg can be too idealistic and why there are people who supported Trump in pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement....

"And here I am taking (away) electricity, the fundamental right of people. What do I say to a kid in Indonesia, who is struggling to get electricity to do their studies and eat their food, and I am going to sit on the outside and make a moral judgment that electricity use is less important than the planetary considerations."

While noting that addressing the climate agenda is critical,....the need to strike the right balance to ensure that the development and social needs of people are not neglected.

"So these issues of how you balance the trade-offs are tough, and as a financier, we have to ask: Is it right for us to play God?" 

the financing of the palm oil sector, said Mr Gupta, noting that about 14 million households in Indonesia rely on small estate oil palm farming to make a living.....The kids' education, healthcare, everything relies on this plot of land."