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Monday, November 01, 2021

China's tiger mums switch kids to sports after govt cuts tuition time

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The government has pledged to "gradually increase" the score of sports in the senior high school entrance exam, and regions such as the southern province of Hainan have listed swimming, soccer, basketball and volleyball as options for students to get additional credits.

In addition, the country's young people are increasingly suffering from obesity, myopia and depression. More than half of China's schoolchildren are short-sighted and nearly one in five between the ages of six and 17 is overweight or obese.

An avid soccer fan, Mr Xi has said he wants the next generation to "civilise the spirit and toughen the body

It has tightened controls over the playing of video games and vowed to stamp out "distorted views of beauty" such as the recent fashion trend of androgynous male stars. "Video-game addiction, 'sissy' boys and stars' fan clubs stimulate hedonism, individualism, not sacrifice and service of the collective; they contribute to dissolving nationalism

Qn: To what extent is sporting achievement given adequate recognition in your society? (Cam. 2018)